We are a mission-driven nonprofit organization, setting goals and objectives is necessary for us to stay on track and get things done on time.
At the North One Foundation, below are the primary goals we strive to achieve:
To recruit volunteers who share the same passion as our founder. We are going to need all the help we can get, not just in terms of the financial aspect, but in accomplishing works such as finding the right families and reaching out to them. One of our goals is to recruit as many volunteers as possible and build a good relationship with them.
To establish meaningful and long-lasting partnerships. Our foundation can work at a faster pace when all hands are on deck. We aim to establish partnerships with organizations that share a common goal with us. Our partners can help us open doors that we may not have access to on our own. Having partnerships can also widen our opportunities that can, in turn, help us get to our mission faster.
To launch fund-raising and charity events that will support the foundations’ needs. Because our organization aims to help families carry their financial burden, there is no doubt that fund-raising is one of our top goals to achieve. You can do your part too. Any amount will be much appreciated and will surely go a long way. The sooner we reach our fund goals, the faster we can start making a difference in people’s lives.
The North One Foundation plans to Help every Family in Canada and also help many families in other Countries as well. They more families we help the better. If you wish to lend a helping hand and be part of the foundation’s charitable movement, we welcome any type of donations that would benefit our recipients. Please visit our donation page to get started.